Checking luggage in at airports is becoming more and more of a pain point for travelling. With the increase in price structures and heavier fines for weighty bags, the time of the carry on gentleman has arrived. Packing just a carry-on also gives you the bonus of not having to wait around at the luggage corral for your suitcase, all you need to do is stroll through security and you are well on your way. Today we will be sharing how you can avoid long waiting times and pricey fines by packing your carry on with style.
Choose Your Carry-On
This is your first area of consideration, the bag you choose must have enough space for your must have possessions and be the right size to fit into an overhead locker. With many options and styles available, it’s up to you to find the case which best suits your fashion sense and style. Soft case bags are recommended as you can squeeze them into smaller spaces and generally they weigh less that the hard case counterparts.
Consider Your Footwear
Shoes are generally the biggest item you will pack in your carry-on. If you are planning on doing a lot of walking on your trip, a good idea is to wear your walking boots on the plane. This will give you plenty of space in your bag for other items. When traveling to a warm location, consider storing some loafers at the top of your bag for an easy switch out when you arrive.
No Need For Your Entire Toiletry Collection
Only pack the basics when it comes to toiletries. If you use contact lenses, make sure you take enough solution to last for your trip as the local area may not have any for sale. Also if you have a need to take 25 different lotions, transfer the lotions to smaller containers instead of taking bigger bottles with you. Remember that most hotels have complimentary soap and shampoo so you won’t need to take those.
Choose The Right Material
Pack clothes that are relative to the climate of the destination you are visiting. Colder environments will require packing more layers, and warmer environments are the opposite. Certain materials do exist that are the best of both worlds; Merino for example. Merino wool is great for traveling as it will keep you warm in cold climates and cool in hot areas. It can also be worn for days before it starts to smell!
Roll, Don’t Fold
Rolling your clothes is a great way to conserve space. It also reduces the chance of your clothes wrinkling during transit. If you are taking shoes another tip is to roll up your socks, you should be able to fit 2 pairs of socks inside each shoe. The same goes for belts which can easily be tucked into a shoe or collared shirt.
Layer Up On Transit
During your travel it’s always a wise move to wear the bulkiest items on the plane, you can always take them off if you get to warm and it saves plenty of space for other items in your carry-on. Layering your styles and outfits is a great idea. Try to pick one or two color schemes for your outfits and work it from there. A neutral colored shirt will suit any outfit. Layer up with a stylish button up and warm sweater to finish the look.
Pack With Use In Mind
Packing items with more than one use will serve as a great benefit to your trip. For example, you don’t need to pack your e-reader if you have the app on your smartphone. The same can be said for books, save space in your carry on by downloading the kindle app and reading digitally. It also depends on the destination. Are you travelling to a luxury destination or are you going camping (yes gentleman, you are allowed)
Prioritize Pockets
Pick a travel jacket with plenty of pockets; it’s a neat little trick to take lots of extra things on your travels. Just keep in mind that you might have to empty all of your pockets when passing through security, so best keep these items decent.
Let No Space Be Wasted
When taking a trip longer than three days, it’s essential to take as much as you can. Be reasonable and only take the items you genuinely need, and keep it relative to the location in which you are visiting. However, you should most certainly make the most of your carry-on. You will be surprised how much you can truly take in these bags. Make sure all pockets are filled as well as the main compartment.
Enjoy Your Trip
There you have it, you are now fully prepared to be a travelling gentleman. You will soon fall in love with this style of travel, and enjoy every step along the way. Happy holidays!